Comment Policy


Where they are allowed, your polite, G-rated, comments are always welcomed! There are, however, certain perfectly fine words that are unfortunately used in an ugly way. And because WordPress screens words that might be part of another word, those comments will also be flagged. Therefore your totally innocent comment might be placed in moderation. When I see how these words are used in context, I will either post your comments or delete them.

Then there are those words that are never considered polite. Use of those words are not allowed, and those comments will not pass Go; they will be sent directly to the trash.

And don’t ask me which words are not OK. I will not post them. Just be careful out there!

For Your Security

For your own security purposes, you will need to be familiar with the Comments and Media sections of the Privacy Policy. So go ahead and click on those links to find out why. You know you want to.

Links Included Within Comments or Posts

Finally, posts that are submitted solely for backlinks, affiliate links, and other blog or website links for the purpose of distracting visitors away from, are strictly forbidden and will be thrown into the trash immediately upon discovery. If, however, a commenter is supporting his or her point of view, the link will be reviewed for appropriateness and may be allowed to remain in the comment.

Do I really need to tell you that links to Satanic or atheist sites are not allowed within the comment? Apparently so. So you won’t find it surprising that said comment will be sent to the trash.

Policy Redress

Should you have genuine concerns about the above policies, you are welcome to send me an email. If the content of the email is professional and polite, I will read it and consider your concerns. If it is vulgar or otherwise ugly in any way, I will not read the full email; it will be trashed, and you will no longer be allowed to submit comments. You will, however, still be able to read the content. And I suggest you do!

Not everyone is going to agree about the topics I write about. If what I write is genuinely offensive to you, please feel free to visit another site. And if this site in general makes your skin crawl, then simply don’t visit again. Exercise your power of choice!

